manufacturers of quality apiary woodenware

Foundation & Hardware

Foundation and Hardware

Deep Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 10PK

Pack of 10 deep crimped wire wax foundation. Crimped wire beeswax foundation is the most popular type of wax foundation on the market. Crimped wires...

Deep Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 12.5LB

12.5LB deep crimped wire wax foundation. Crimped wire beeswax foundation is the most popular type of wax foundation on the market. Crimped wires run...

Medium Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 10PK

Pack of 10 medium crimped wire wax foundation. Crimp wire foundation is one of the most popular types of wax foundation on the market. Wires run...

Medium Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 12.5LB

12.5LB medium crimped wire wax foundation. Crimp wire foundation is one of the most popular types of wax foundation on the market. Wires run...

Medium Cut Comb Wax Foundation 10PK

Thin wireless wax foundation for making cut comb. Add this foundation to frames in your honey supers and after the honey has been capped over remove...

Medium Cut Comb Wax Foundation 5 Lb.

Thin wireless wax foundation for making cut comb. Add this foundation to frames in your honey supers and after the honey has been capped over remove...

Plastic Deep Frame

Pierco, ready-to-use, wax-coated Plastic Deep Frame. With reinforced frame ears to prevent breakage, these plastic frames work...
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Max: 51

Plastic Deep Frame Double Wax 52 Pack

Pierco, ready-to-use, Double  wax-coated Plastic Deep Frame. With reinforced frame ears to prevent breakage, these plastic frames work...

Plastic Deep Frame Standard Wax 52 Pack

Pierco, ready-to-use, wax-coated Plastic Deep Frame. With reinforced frame ears to prevent breakage, these plastic frames work...

Plastic Medium Frame

Pierco, ready-to-use, wax-coated Plastic Medium Frame. Choose color and wax coating options. With reinforced frame ears to prevent...
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Max: 71

Plastic Medium Frame Double Wax 72 Pack

Pierco, ready-to-use, Double wax-coated Plastic Medium Frame. Choose color. With reinforced frame ears to prevent breakage, these plastic...
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Plastic Medium Frame Standard Wax 72 Pack

Pierco, ready-to-use, wax-coated Plastic Medium Frame. Choose color. With reinforced frame ears to prevent breakage, these plastic frames...
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Shallow Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 10PK

Pack of 10 shallow crimped wire wax foundation. Crimped wires run vertically through the foundation for added strength and support. Wire hooks...

Shallow Crimp Wire Wax Foundation 12.5LB

12.5LB shallow crimped wire wax foundation. Crimped wires run vertically through the foundation for added strength and support. Wire hooks on the top...

Plastic Deep Foundation HvyWax Case/100

Case of 100- Deep plastic foundation coated with a heavy wax coating. A heavy wax coating greatly improves the acceptance of plastic foundation by...

Plastic Deep Foundation HvyWax Each

Single sheets- Deep plastic foundation coated with heavy wax especially for wooden frames. A heavy wax coating greatly improves the acceptance of...

Plastic Deep Foundation StdWax Case/100

Case 100- Deep plastic foundation especially for wooden frames, comes coated with a layer of beeswax. This foundation is also ideal for...
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Plastic Deep Foundation StdWax Each

Single Sheets- Deep plastic foundation especially for wooden frames comes coated with a thin layer of beeswax. This foundation is also ideal for...
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Plastic Medium Foundation HvyWax Case 100

Case 100- Medium plastic foundation especially for wooden frames. This foundation comes coated with a heavy layer of beeswax.  A heavy wax...
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Plastic Medium Foundation HvyWax Each

Single Sheets- Medium plastic foundation especially for wooden frames. This foundation comes coated with a heavy layer of beeswax.  A heavy wax...
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Plastic Medium Foundation StdWax Case 100

Case 100- Medium plastic foundation, especially for wooden frames. They come coated with a thin layer of beeswax.  This foundation is also ideal...
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Plastic Medium Foundation StdWax Each

Single Sheets- Medium plastic foundation especially for wooden frames. They come coated with a thin layer of beeswax. This foundation is also ideal...
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Plastic Shallow Foundation

Plastic Shallow Foundation. This 4 3/4" white plastic foundation is made for shallow wooden frames. Comes coated with a thin layer of beeswax....

Zinc eyelets 1/2 oz

Zinc Eyelets 1/2 oz. These small, metal fittings are placed in the holes of the end bars to prevent the wire from cutting into the end bars. A 1/2...

Bee Wire 1/2 lb.

1/2 lb. roll of Bee Wire. 28 gauge wire for cross wiring wooden frames when using wax foundation. This 700' roll will wire 100 frames.

Fixed 9 Frame Spacer - 10PK

These beehive frame spacers can help beekeepers manage the open space in your 10 frame box. Sold as a pack of 10 spacers. Typically beekeepers buy...

Frame Nails

1 1/4" Galvanized Nails for assembly of frames. Packed in 1lb. bag. 1lb. bag will assemble approximately 100 frames. Use exterior grade wood...

Hive Body Nails

7d Galvanized Nails for assembly of hive bodies and supers. Packed in 1lb. bags. 1lb. will assemble 3 hive bodies or 5 supers. Note: Use 1 1/4"...

Metal Frame Rest 10PK

Provides greater durability where your frames rest in the box. Increases the longevity of your box in an area that is cleaned often with your hive...

Wedge Nails

5/8" Nails for attaching the wedge strip on a top-bar. Packed in 1lb. bag. 1lb. bag contains approximately enough nails to attach 400 top-bar...

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